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Golf Lesson Intake Form
Thanks for booking a Lesson at Brooklyn Greens! Tell us a little about you and your golf game.
First Name
Last Name
What is your Age? (or your child if applicable)
Choose an option
Do you know your handicap?
Choose an option
How often do you swing a club?
Choose an option
Enter Your Handicap
Enter Your Average Score
How often do you play on a course?
Choose an option
How often do you practice?
Choose an option
How do you feel about your clubs?
Choose an option
Describe any sports/games you play or grew up playing?
Any old injuries or physical limitations?
Rate your confidence level 1 (not confident at all) -5 (very confident) in the following:
Off the Tee with a Driver
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Off the Tee with a Driver
Approach Shots between than 125-175 yards
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Approach Shots between than 125-175 yards
Approach Shots between than 60-90 yards
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Approach Shots between than 60-90 yards
Greenside Bunker
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Greenside Bunker
Putts between 10-25 feet
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Putts between 10-25 feet
Approach Shots longer than 175 yards
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Approach Shots longer than 175 yards
Approach Shots between 90-125 yards
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Approach Shots between 90-125 yards
Approach Shots between 30-60 yards
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Approach Shots between 30-60 yards
Putts over 25 feet
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Putts over 25 feet
Putts under 10 feet
Not confident at all
Getting there
It depends
Pretty confident
Very Confident
Putts under 10 feet
If you had to choose one, would you rather...
Choose an option
What are your goals for this session?
What are your short-term golf goals?
What are your long-term golf goals?
Anything else you'd like to mention or focus on?
Thank you!
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