Golf Instructors at Brooklyn Greens
Nick Teodosio (he/him)
Nick, Head Pidgey on the instruction crew, is the visionary behind all things Brooklyn Greens from the 15 ft tall tree sculptures to the way we every decision on Morgan Ave is rooted in an effort to bring equity to the game and culture of golf. He believes this begins with breaking down the mental and cultural barriers for golfers at all levels that may be preventing the next breakthrough moment or getting on the course in the first place.
His career in golf began at a young age inviting the neighbors to a course he crafted in his front yard and extended through Penn State’s well-respected Professional Golf Management Program, esteemed country clubs across the US, and the past 8 years serving the golfers of Brooklyn.
Nick loves a double IPA, trying new eats around BK and any time spent with his family amongst trees and plants.